Controlling Legionella in Potable Water Systems PDF version [4 pages]
Controlling Legionella in Cooling Towers PDF version [4 pages]
Controlling Legionella in Hot Tubs PDF version [4 pages]
Controlling Legionella in Decorative Fountains PDF version [3 pages]
Controlling Legionella in Other Water Devices PDF version [3 pages]
Routine testing for Legionella PDF version [5 pages]
Toolkit for Controlling Legionella in Common Sources of Exposure
The Toolkit for ControllingLegionellain Common Sources of Exposure (LegionellaControl Toolkit) provides public health and building owners and operators with concise, actionable information on controllingLegionellain commonly implicated sources of Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks. It helps focus and improveLegionellacontrol efforts and protect the safety of a building’s employees, visitors, and surrounding community.
Use this toolkit to:
Help evaluate hazardous conditions in systems that are commonly associated withLegionella
Complement existing resources for water management programs (WMP), including the CDC Toolkit: Developing a WMP to Reduce Legionella Growth and Spread in Buildings
Support environmental assessments conducted during public health investigations
The toolkit is made up of six modules: five provide system-specific information and the sixth contains information about routine testing for Legionella. All modules were developed according to ASHRAE Guideline 12-2020, CDC Guidance, and other resources.