I wanted to send you a testimonial that you could post on your website. As you know, I am the estate attorney for a wealthy client who was sued by a tenant that allegedly contracted Legionella disease at one of their properties. Worries were high as the client was concerned about taking a big personal hit over and above the insurance coverage. The client was questioning the direction of the legal defense in this very serious case and considering bringing in another high-powered litigation firm to assist with the defense. In our conversations I suggested that we needed not just a highly regarded litigation firm but an attorney that was specifically experienced in the legal defense of Legionella claims. I conducted an internet search and kept finding articles on the defense of Legionella cases written by you. The client reviewed your web site and articles and agreed that we should retain you as a consultant. Once you became involved, your expertise immediately directed the legal team to significant legal and scientific defenses to the Legionella claims. You brought specific knowledge regarding the property owner duty of care and connection to excellent scientific experts that could challenge causation. Our legal team gained new life and became much more invigorated and emboldened as they developed belief in the defense strategy. There is no doubt in my mind that your input energized the defense team which resulted in the plaintiff reassessing their case and deciding to settle for a low figure. You were instrumental in saving us millions. Even though I intend this as glowing testimonial, I feel it understates your knowledge and experience. Millie Grazie!
W. Vito Lanuti W. Vito Lanuti & Associates, PC Huntington Beach, CA